2nd subproject: current status and mobilization

The 2nd subproject is focused on the determination of the concentrations of selected metal(loid)s in the fly ashes of waste incineration plants as well as their speciation and mobilization potential. Therefore, the first fundamental step will be the development and implementation of required analytical methods and validated protocols suitable for daily routine practice. Based on this, the qualitative and quantitative variability of the metal(loid) concentrations in the fly ashes will be analyzed for long (one year) and short periods (weeks, days). To investigate the site-specific heterogeneity, other incineration plants will be included in the survey. With the aim of a preferably resource-effective extraction, the speciation and mobilization of the metal(loid)s will be investigated using waste acids accruing in the chemical industries as well as the incineration process of the plants. Thereby, sustainable methods should be developed that enable for the recovery of secondary raw materials.

German Federal Institute of Hydrology (Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde - BfG)

As a scientific institution ranking as a supreme federal agency, the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde - BfG) advices the federal ministries and their subordinate bodies as well as the Waterways and Shipping Administration in the fields of hydrology, uses, quality and conservation of waters and ecology. The department G2 “aquatic chemistry” works on fundamental and routine investigations as well as questions of research and development. The extensive laboratory equipment ensures for results on a qualitatively high level and enables for the development and implementation of new analytical methods. With the aim of a long-term protection of the water bodies, a continuous extension of the competences regarding new technologies and applications is worthwhile enabling to respond to potential emerging substances like, e.g., rare earth elements or platinum group elements. Within the joint project SESAM the expertise of the BfG in analytical chemistry together with the instrumental facilities will be used to develop validated and implementable methods and to analyze the fly ashes of the incineration plants.